论坛大佬的这个 https://www.ffmpegtoolkit.com/  https://www.hostloc.com/thread-447534-1-1.html
网页打不开了 T T

还有没有其他什么一键包啊 不好意思没有  下一个 二进制文件不好吗 不好意思,没有,下一个,。 直接编译安装也没几句命令。。。


Installing FFmpeg

    Type ./configure to create the configuration. A list of configure options is printed by running configure –help.

    configure can be launched from a directory different from the FFmpeg sources to build the objects out of tree. To do this, use an absolute path when launching configure, e.g. /ffmpegdir/ffmpeg/configure.

    Then type make to build FFmpeg. GNU Make 3.81 or later is required.

    Type make install to install all binaries and libraries you built.

https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/ https://www.myzhenai.com.cn/post/2378.html

xcy1020 发表于 2020-2-5 19:35

我也觉得二进制最方便了。 Debian最简单了 apt-get install ffmpeg好热源码网www.haore.net